Year 7

Year 7 is an entry point for many students who are new to St Columba College. To support their transition and orientation to the Middle School, new students participate in a Transition Day with their Year 6 peers in Term 4 the preceding year. This will be followed by a Year 7 Activity Day during Term 1 to help the students get to know one another and develop a strong sense of connectedness and belonging.
At St Columba College, we are conscious of the ongoing need for students to develop strong and positive relationships with a core group of their peers and some key adults in their school lives. For this reason, students are grouped into Roll Classes. Typically, a Year 7 Roll Class will have two key teachers who will teach the English/Humanities and Mathematics/Sciences/STEM curriculum. To support their developing independence and maturity, students in Year 7 are exposed to an increase in specialist teachers. Specialist teachers will take the class for the Arts, Health/Physical Education and Technology subjects.