Year 6



Year 6 marks the beginning of middle schooling for our students at St Columba College. To support this important transition to the Middle School, students in Year 5 Participate in a transition program, which takes place during Term 4. It is here that the current Year 6 students have the opportunity to be involved in welcoming and supporting those taking the significant step into Middle School.

To support and nurture the academic, social and emotional needs of Year 6 students, classes are grouped purposefully and for the entire year. These classes are taught by a core class teacher for the majority of their lessons, which supports the development of strong relationships, fosters individual growth and independence and enhances positive educational outcomes that our students can carry with them into their future schooling and beyond.

The curriculum is organised into subjects that are taught by the core teacher for the duration of the school year. These subjects are Religious Education, English, Health, Humanities, Mathematics, and STEM. Year 6 students also partake in subjects taught by specialist teachers. These teachers work closely with core teachers to establish routines and approaches that work best for the group of students. These teachers teach Physical Education, Science and Indonesian. The Arts, which includes Art, Music and Drama as well as Digital Technologies are also taught by specialist teachers but run a term at a time. Collectively, all students have up to eight of these lessons each week. This provides students with a broad range of learning skills and experiences which are all in accordance with the Australian Curriculum expectations.

Students in Year 6 do not participate in the formal Kinship program which is grouped vertically by House. In this Kinship time, Year 6 students remain with their core teachers and work through a program that incorporates a range of social skill development, wellbeing awareness and strategies to assist them as individuals. Year 6 students still have the opportunity to get to know their older peers in House based events and celebrations, liturgies, assemblies, sports days, Book Week and Positive Education days such as ‘R U OK?’ Day.

Year 6 fosters a collaborative approach to studies and community. This is a key factor in the relationships students develop and the sense of belonging they exhibit. As a cohort, Year 6 is very much the first central point where students build confidence in themselves and also confidence in the staff and other members of the College. Year 6 is a pivotal year for students where they are discovering who they are as learners within a classroom but also they unfold and learn about their part in our wider school community.

Year 6 students will study the following year-long compulsory subjects:
Year 6 Students will also study the following term-based subjects: