As the end of the school year approaches quickly, the Junior School Campus has been involved in many events and excursions that enable authentic learning experiences and extend students’ opportunities.
Highlights have included:
- Year 3 retreats, Year 1 Zoo excursion, Reception Marine Discovery excursion
- Tri-skills and SACA Cricket Blast Clinics
- Remembrance Day Liturgy and Anzac Cookie sale, Volunteers morning tea
- Little Columba’s 2023 Reception transition and Year 5/6 transition
Teachers have been busy analysing NAPLAN, PAT and classroom assessment data to determine the targeted teaching needed for students during Term 4. It has been wonderful to see the growth and progress of each individual student. They continue to focus on their learning goals in literacy and numeracy this term, and staff look forward to communicating this in end-of-year reports.
We congratulate the students who graduated from Children’s University on Tuesday evening at Bonython Hall, Adelaide University, by completing extension activities outside of school. A special mention to Matthew Fairclough, who completed 200 hours, an amazing achievement.
Last week we farewelled Mr Matthew McGinty from the Junior School. Matt has been at the College for 20 years, and during this time he has taken on various roles. As the Assistant Head of Junior School, he has led with great commitment and a passion for student wellbeing. Students, staff and families have valued his compassion, positive relationships and deep sense of community. We thank him for his contribution over many years and wish him well as he takes long service leave and into the future.
In 2023, Mrs Leanne Pfeiffer and Mr Angus Bugeja will commence roles as the Assistant Heads of Junior School, R-2 and 3-5. Angus joins us for the remainder of this term from Gawler and Districts College, and we welcome him to the community.
As we move toward the end of the term, we ask that all families continue to work in partnership with us for the health and safety of students. As you enter the car park, please do so slowly. Ensure if car doors are being opened in the pick-up zones, that footpaths are clear of pedestrians first, as we have had reports of some near misses and people being knocked by doors. After school, students are not permitted to play in the yard or playgrounds. This is a time to leave the school with family members or for students to move immediately to waiting areas. We seek your support with this.
We look forward to some special celebrations as the term concludes. Our Year 5s will be concluding their time in the Junior School with a Rite of Passage in Week 7. This is a significant event as we reflect and celebrate student participation and achievement and send them forward to Middle School with our best wishes.
During Week 8, ‘Prayer and Presentation’ is the formal conclusion of our school year as a community, with a joyful celebration of the year and awards presented. We invite you to be present for these events.
Mrs Julie Hancock | Head of Junior School