Previous Editions
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
2023 Special Edition Coracle
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 11
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 8
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 5
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 11
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 9
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 10
Introducing Ziggy the Wellbeing Dog
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 2, 2022
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 11
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term Four, Week 9
The Coracle - Term Four, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 4, 2021
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle
Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update Term 3, 2021
The Coracle
Term Two Week 10
The Coracle
Term Two, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 2, 2021
The Coracle
Term One Week 11
The Coracle - Week 5, Term 1
Principal's Update - Term 1, 2021
Special Edition Coracle

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Important Dates

Term 2 Ends

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Learning)

Thursday 6 July 2023

Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Learning)

Friday 7 July 2023

St Columba Arts Competition Ends

Friday 21 July 2023

Term 3 Begins

Monday 24 July 2023

Futures & Careers Expo (Week 2) - Middle/Senior

Wednesday 2 August 2023

St Columba Arts Competition Awards - 3:30pm (Week 3)

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Junior School - Academic Assembly (Week 4)

Thursday 17 August 2023

Middle & Senior School - Academic Assembly (Week 4)

Thursday 17 August 2023

Book Week Begins (Week 5)

Monday 21 August 2023

College Tour (Week 5)

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Futures and Careers Expo

In conjunction with the 2024 Subject Selection process, all current Year 9, 10 & 11 students are required to attend the Futures & Careers Expo on Wednesday, 2nd August 2023.

The evening will be held in the Gymnasium, where Learning Area Leaders will be available for subject discussions, and external exhibitors will be providing information on career and post-school pathways.

This will give students and families the opportunity to learn about SACE, discuss potential subject choices with Learning Area Leaders, and to interact with a variety of training providers, apprenticeship brokers, tertiary and vocational education providers and professional institutions.

More Information

St Columba Arts Competition

Enrties for our annual #stcolumba_arts_competition_2023 close at the end of Term 2 Holidays (Friday 21 July)

The competition is open to all students from Reception to Year 12.

R-2 - Art and music only
3-5 - Art, Music, Drama & Dance
6-12 & Staff - Visual Art, Drama, Music and Design

We look forward to celebrating the creativity of our students and staff at our Arts Awards on Wednesday, 9 August.

More Information
