Previous Editions
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
2023 Special Edition Coracle
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 11
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 8
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 5
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 11
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 9
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 10
Introducing Ziggy the Wellbeing Dog
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 2, 2022
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 11
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term Four, Week 9
The Coracle - Term Four, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 4, 2021
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle
Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update Term 3, 2021
The Coracle
Term Two, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 2, 2021
The Coracle
Term One Week 11
The Coracle - Week 5, Term 1
Principal's Update - Term 1, 2021
Special Edition Coracle

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Important Dates

Term 3 Begins

Monday 19 July 2021

Junior School - Individual Professional Photos

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Middle/Senior - Individual Professional Photos

Thursday 19 August 2021

Book Week (Week 6)

Monday 23 August 2021

Volunteer Induction Session (LT) 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Junior School - Sports & Groups Professional Photos

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Middle/Senior School - Sports & Groups Professional Photos

Thursday 2 September 2021

Student Free Day

Friday 3 September 2021

'R U OK?' Day

Thursday 9 September 2021

Term 3 Ends

Friday 24 September 2021

Upcoming Events

College Tours - Tuesday, 10 August

Date: Tuesday 10 August
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Venue: St Columba College - Andrews Farm

An important part of the enrolment process is to tour the College’s facilities and meet our dedicated staff.

We invite you to visit St Columba College at our upcoming tours on Tuesday, 10 August.
Register Online

Futures and Careers Expo

In conjunction with the 2021 Subject Selection process, all current Year 9 - 12 students are required to attend the Futures & Careers Expo on Wednesday, 28 July. The evening will commence with a Subject Selection Information Session in the Middle School Lecture Theatre followed by a visit into the Expo arena in the Auditorium

Date: Wednesday 28 July
Time: See program schedule
Venue: St Columba College Middle School

More Information
