Previous Editions
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
2023 Special Edition Coracle
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 7
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 4
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 11
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 8
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 5
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 1
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 9
The Coracle - Term 4, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 10
Introducing Ziggy the Wellbeing Dog
The Coracle - Term 2, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 2, 2022
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 11
The Coracle - Term 1, Week 5
Principal's Update
The Coracle - Term Four, Week 9
The Coracle - Term Four, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 4, 2021
The Coracle - Term 3, Week 10
The Coracle
Term 3, Week 5
Principal's Update Term 3, 2021
The Coracle
Term Two Week 10
The Coracle
Term Two, Week 5
Principal's Update - Term 2, 2021
The Coracle
Term One Week 11
The Coracle - Week 5, Term 1
Principal's Update - Term 1, 2021
Special Edition Coracle

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Important Dates

Term 1 Ends

Friday 14 April 2023

Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Learning)

Monday 1 May 2023

Term 2 Begins: R-12 Students Return

Tuesday 2 May 2023

St Columba Arts Competition Begins

Tuesday 2 May 2023

College Tour

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Term 2 Ends

Wednesday 5 July 2023

Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Learning)

Thursday 6 July 2023

Pupil Free Day (Staff Professional Learning)

Friday 7 July 2023

St Columba Arts Competition Ends

Friday 21 July 2023

Term 3 Begins

Monday 24 July 2023

Upcoming Events

St Columba College Arts Competition

Date: Tuesday 2 May - Friday 21 July
Time: 8:00am
Venue: St Columba College - Andrews Farm

Our annual #stcolumba_arts_competition_2023 has officially opened!  

The competition is open to all students from Reception to Year 12.

R-2 - Art and music only
3-5 - Art, Music, Drama & Dance
6-12 & Staff - Visual Art, Drama, Music and Design

Competition closes: End of Term 2 Holidays (Friday 21 July)


This competition is a unique opportunity for us to come together as a community and showcase our creativity, originality, and passion for the Arts. It doesn't matter if you're an experienced artist or a beginner; everyone is encouraged to participate and share their unique perspective and creative vision.

This competition explores new avenues of self-expression, pushes us to think outside the box, to take creative risks, and to embrace the power of imagination and creativity.

So, whether you're a talented painter, a skilled photographer, a gifted vocalist, an amazing actor or simply enjoy expressing yourself through various art forms, we invite you to submit your entries and share your amazing talent with our school community.

I'm excited to see the entries we'll receive. Let's embrace our creativity, celebrate our diversity, and make this competition a truly unforgettable experience for all!

Mrs Kelley Lewis | Learning Area Leader – The Arts


Junior School Competition

R-2: Art & Music only
Years 3-5: Art, Music, Drama and Dance


Middle & Senior School Competition

Years 6-12: Drama, Music, Visual Art, Visual Art-Design and Dance

College Tours

Reception and Year 7 enrolment interviews are currently being offered for new students starting at St Columba College in 2024.

We strongly encourage families with younger siblings who have yet to complete an Application for Enrolment to do so at the earliest opportunity to avoid being placed on the waitlist:

Our next College Tour event is on Tuesday, 30 May. If you know a family considering enrolling, we invite them to visit us and explore everything St Columba College has to offer.

More Information

Stage 2 Drama - The Clock Struck One

6:00 PM Thursday, 11 May 2023

The Lake Arts Theatre, St Columba College

Tickets on sale Wednesday, 3 May

Learn More

School Holiday Ideas

Visit our Community page to find a variety of activities happening these school holidays!
