Welcome to Term 1, 2022.
While we live in uncertain times, we have exciting plans for the College this year to lift our spirits. As an Anglican and Catholic school, we aspire to be a place where all students flourish and can bring their best to self to school each day. Our ethos and culture are based on the teachings of Jesus where each person experiences inclusion, respect and belonging. These values are important to us and are taught and practised every day. We believe that each child is made in the image of God, is unique and precious. This is the kind of environment we want for each child and I hope every family will aspire this for their child as well.
A significant development this year will be the introduction of an Academic Excellence Programme. This initiative will develop and extend our students who have high potential to learn. Already we have begun to plan how we can broaden their learning in the classroom and through co-curricular activities. The College is excited to partner with students to expand their horizons.
Another major project this year will be the new building plans at the Middle School campus. This 18-month project will begin on Friday 4 March. The builder will begin to refurbish the Lecture Theatre into a Performing Arts Space, construct four new outdoor courts, and relocate the car park to the western side of the campus. In the meantime, a new drop-off and pick-up zone will be built outside the Senior School. The builder will then move to the next stage and begin the construction of a new building at the Middle School campus.
The new building will include classrooms for Year 8 and Year 9 students, break-out learning spaces, practical work areas, the Iona Learning Centre, a new Student Services area, offices and meeting rooms that will link to the main building. We are really forward to the project and its progress this year.
We pray for a happy, safe and successful 2022 school year.
Ms Leanne Carr