Welcome to Term 2!
In this current season of Easter and we look towards Penecost, both the Anglican and Catholic Churches call us to be Easter people which means to live as one; all parts of Christ’s Body working together toward a single purpose: love. Stepping up to this call can be difficult at times when things go wrong, when others act unkindly, or when there is hurt and harm. Our College is like a family and therefore, we are called to act together, support one another and bring the best version of ourselves to school each day.
I once again draw your attention to the direction of the College in 2021 which has a focus on the following five goals: (1) Live Faith in Action, (2) Empower Compassionate Global Citizens, (3) Deliver High Quality Teaching, (4) Enhance Partnerships and (5) Be an Enterprising College.
The second goal to ‘Empower Compassionate Global Citizens’ is an important one as we aim to develop our students as flourishing and capable learners. This objective is critical as our young people make their way through their formal years of schooling and develop these skills. Results or grades are important but the dispositions - sometimes called 21st Century skills or capabilities - are being named as even more essential. Education systems around the world are recognising the rapidly changing nature of work. Employers are wanting to employ people now and into the future who are curious, creative, problem solvers, collaborators, thinkers and good communicators. As such, we need to elevate these skills in our young people and as a community value these skills highly.
We are building on this work now. Last year we trialled an interdisciplinary approach across Reception to Year 10. This meant making greater links between subjects so that students were more connected to their learning. We have continued this approach this year by planning to integrate critical and creative thinking, and collaboration into the teaching and learning process.
Another aspect to this work is to give students opportunities to exhibit their learning to others. Exhibitions provide a real purpose and audience for students to share their learning, which in turn builds their confidence and communication skills. Already this year, the Year 8 and 9 Indonesian classes from 2020 participated in a Book Launch for the children’s stories they published. These books will be shared with our Junior School students and a range of digital stories have been distributed to 12 schools in Indonesia. Our Year 12 Health students recently showcased their learning to a Year 8 class. The expo was a powerful way for our students to teach small groups about Harmony Day and the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. One of the booths is on display outside the MSS Library. I encourage all parents and caregivers to participate in any exhibitions on offer this year.
The fourth College goal, ‘Enhance Partnerships’ has taken a positive step with our Alumni. 11 Old Scholars have been tutoring students in Years 6-12 after school from Monday to Thursday. We are excited by the number of students who are attending the Library after school and benefitting from this support.
Finally, we are delighted by the progress we are making with the Master Plan for the Middle School. This next stage of development will incorporate a new building that will include classrooms and breakout spaces for Year 8 and Year 9, a new Students Services area, a learning centre, new courts and outdoor play spaces. In addition, spaces will be created for Drama, Music and Indonesian in the main building. The aim is to tender for this stage in October with the approval of a builder by the end of the year.
Let’s pray for a happy, safe and productive term.
Ms Leanne Carr | Principal