
Research Project High Achievers

Principal's Update



‘For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue,
and virtue with knowledge.’ 2 Peter 1:5

In Peter’s letter to his fellow Christians, he reminds them that God has provided everything they need to thrive. Whilst it is likely that Peter was using the word ‘knowledge’ specifically in reference to knowledge of God, in the context of a school, like ours, a broader interpretation can be drawn from Peter’s words:

‘Be a good person, of quality character’ Peter could be saying. And ‘through your faith and good character, do amazing things’ might be what he added.

‘Do amazing things.’ These are my words, but they are fitting at St Columba College; a school which seeks to instil in all students an understanding that they are unique, brilliant and of immeasurable value. A far less elegiac interpretation might be the words I used in assembly this week, where I reminded the students that all we require of them is that they are kind, respectful and that they work hard.

This term we welcomed our youngest Columbans in a mid-year ‘Foundation’ intake. 41 bright-eyed young people joined us, and I was delighted to be in their classrooms on their first day as they settled into their activities and began the process of making friendships that could well be lifelong.

These young people are going to do amazing things, and their brilliant teachers – Ms Griguol, Ms Salier and Ms Rosenzweig – are doing amazing things for and with them.

Congratulations to five of our amazing Year 12 students who received an A+ result for Research Project: Callan, Ramani, Kyan, Zahra, and Aalyeh.

Term 3, of course, is the time of our Musical and, as always, it will be an amazing thing.

Our inaugural Intercol, contested in Week 6, will show our students at their amazing best.

And each day, for the 7 hours or so that we have them in our company, we will provide every child here with the amazing opportunities.

I could go on, but in the interest of keeping your attention, I shall not.

What I would like to do, is invite you to our Open Day and ask you to pass on this invitation to your friends, neighbours and family. Hosted between 9am and 10:30am on Thursday 22 August, Open Day provides a great opportunity for the community and prospective families the chance to see the amazing things we offer for themselves. Presented by our students with opportunities to ask staff questions over a drink from the coffee van on site, the Open Day will be an amazing day and I hope to see you here.

Mr Darren Pitt