

Term 2 - Principal's Update


Welcome to Term 2 2023. Looking back at Term 1, we experienced a ‘full term’ with students enjoying excursions, events, assemblies, sport, music, drama, retreats and camps. We welcomed families back to the school grounds and now have over 80 parent volunteers supporting College activities. We held learning progress meetings for R-5 last term, and next week families are meeting with their Year 6-12 Kinship Teacher to share and celebrate their child’s progress so far this year. 

In this edition, I want to share with you some significant developments that are currently underway. We are excited that in Term 3 2024, we will be offering a Mid-Year Reception class for children who turn five years between 1 May and 31 October. This means these children will experience six terms of Reception, providing a solid foundation for their start to school. Enrolment interviews are taking place this term, so should you have a child eligible for this class, please contact our Enrolment Officer, Ms Jelena Vidacic.

By now, you would have noticed the construction of the new building at the Middle School campus. We are thrilled in how this building is taking shape. I was able to do a walkthrough recently and saw firsthand how the internal structure was developing. It was impressive! The building will house eight classrooms for Year 8 and Year 9 students. Upstairs, two additional learning spaces will be used for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) learning, and teachers will also be able to use these two spaces for other hands-on learning. Adjacent to the classrooms will be breakout spaces, allowing for small groups and individuals to work.

The Learning Centre on the ground floor will be an open space with varying furniture to support students with additional needs. The new space for Student Services will provide counselling, first aid, and opportunities for students to meet with key staff. Student lockers will be located inside, enabling students to keep their belongings in safe and lockable storage. The furniture planned will give students and teachers the flexibility to work as a whole class, in small groups and independently. We expect the building and its surrounds to be completed by September.

This year, our focus is to increase student participation beyond the classroom. The Director of Student Life, Mr Oliver Harms, has led this new initiative, and already we have seen an increase in student numbers participating in sport, the arts, and various clubs and activities. We are proud to say that 486 students from Years 6 to 12 have engaged in these programs and initiatives so far in 2023. We expect this number to grow and, in the coming weeks, we are excited to offer similar opportunities for our Junior School students, such as soccer and basketball leagues, Health Hustle, Confi-dance, and cheerleading groups.

This term promises to be a fulfilling one for our students. Please let us know if you need any support – we are here to help.

Ms Leanne Carr | Principal