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The Premier’s Reading Challenge 2022 at the Junior School


The South Australian Premier’s Reading Challenge, which began in 2004, is now celebrating its 18th year. The College has successfully participated in the Premier’s Reading Challenge since its inception.

Students are challenged to read 12 books between February and September. The challenge may be completed by shared reading experiences and reading independently with the support of teachers and library staff.

The Junior School Students have done an awesome job participating in and completing the Premier’s Reading Challenge. There were over 20 students who completed the Reading Challenge early and received stickers, bookmarks and certificates to congratulate them.

I am pleased to report that a total of 601 R-5 students (over 96%) successfully completed the Reading Challenge this year.

Premier's Reading Challenge Awards were presented to our students to celebrate and reward their reading efforts in 2022. We are very proud of our students for their reading commitment and achievements.

Mrs Ruth Sumner | Junior School Teacher/Librarian