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Kassidy Tamlin - 2021 St Columba College Dux


St Columba College is delighted to announce Kassidy Tamlin as the College Dux for 2021, achieving a 96.2 ATAR.

This fantastic result follows on from her other outstanding academic achievements throughout the year, including the St Columba College Medallist and the first-ever recipient of the St Columba Cum Laude award.

Cum Laude is Latin for “with praise” or “with honour” and is granted to the student who demonstrates honourable excellence in academic coursework.

This year, Kassidy excelled at her Academics, receiving the highest coursework grade for all five of her subjects; Society and Culture, Health, Outdoor Education, Food and Hospitality, and Religious Education. She was recognised by her teachers as a student who sought help regularly, acted on advice and engaged positively in all aspects of the academic life of the College. She embraced the opportunity to learn, placing equal value upon all her learning and subject areas.

Kassidy attended St Columba College for the past thirteen years. During this time, she was known by her teachers and peers as an honest, reliable, and hardworking student with a mature approach to all facets of college life. She was a self-motivated student with a strong commitment to her studies.

Two students received a Merit, achieving an overall subject grade of A+ and demonstrating exceptional achievement in the subject. Congratulations to Kassidy Tamlin (Food and Hospitality) and Mason Highcock (Material Solutions).

St Columba College had four students achieve an ATAR above 90;

Kassidy Tamlin (96.2) 

Thomas Grindlay (94.95)

Connor Bell (93.35)

Olivia Inwood (90.85)

We congratulate Kassidy and the Class of 2021 for their outstanding SACE results and recognise the hard-working staff who have supported the Year 12 cohort. They have overcome unique and challenging circumstances throughout the COVID-19 affected year. We wish them all the best for the next stage of their journey and welcome them to our St Columba College Alumni Network.