

Principal's Update


As we begin Term 4, it is timely to share with you the progress of the College Strategic Plan. The second goal of the plan is to ‘Empower Compassionate Global Citizens’. This means developing in our students the skills, attitudes and dispositions to live in an ever-changing world.

We cannot predict the future, but we know that to thrive, our students will need to be curious, resilient, problem solvers and be able to self-regulate. They will need to respect, value and appreciate the ideas and perspectives of others, as well as cope with failure and be able to move forward in the face of adversity. Our world is driven by accelerating globalisation and advanced technological developments. As well as future career motivations, our young people will also need to care about the wellbeing of their families, friends, their community and the planet.

Future-ready students will need to exercise agency in their own learning and throughout life. This is a tall order, yet it is a shared responsibility between students themselves, teachers, parents and caregivers.

So how do we address this challenge and motivate our students to be compassionate global citizens? At St Columba, we are intentional with our actions and set personalised learning approaches for students to help set goals and track their own progress. We involve our students in an interdisciplinary approach across Reception to Year 9. This approach focusses on integrated learning across two or more subjects with choice in how they may demonstrate their learning. Working with others successfully is also a priority in classrooms, where students are taught explicitly in how to collaborate with others. Thinking and talking with each other about complex problems is so important to develop cognitive skills. In particular, we place a high value on social and emotional learning; getting along with others in a respectful way, handling emotions when things go wrong and having the confidence to give things a go. Underpinning our work this year has been developing literacy and numeracy – the foundation for all learning. Finally, we continue to teach the Gospel values upon which the College was founded; to follow Jesus’ example to welcome all, include everyone and show compassion to those in need.  

This year we endeavoured to provide the extra support for students across Years 6-12 with our after-school study program in the Middle School Resource Centre. This program has been taken up by a high number of students who have accessed one-on-one tutoring though our Alumni network.

Next year, we will embark on a new initiative to extend the learning of students who have demonstrated academic strength across Reception to Year 10. This will be an exciting strategy and one we believe will meet the needs of all our students.

Term 4 is such an important time for great learning, so I encourage parents and caregivers to consider how they can help our children to strive to do their best.

We look forward to celebrating the achievements of our students at the following presentations this term:  

Thursday 28 October
The whole College will gather to farewell and present Awards to our Year 12s 

Wednesday 1 December
Junior School 'Prayer & Presentation' (R-5)

Thursday 2 December
Middle Senior School 'Prayer & Presentation' (6-11)

We pray for a successful, healthy and safe Term 4.

Ms Leanne Carr | Principal