
MS PRC Indo Awards_72dpi-16.jpg

Premier's Reading Challenge 2021


Junior School

The South Australian Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC), which began in 2004, is celebrating its 17th year and the College has successfully participated since its inception.

Students are challenged to read 12 books between February and September. The challenge may be completed by shared reading experiences and reading independently with the support of teachers and library staff.

Despite COVID-19 disruptions, the Junior School students have done an awesome job participating in and completing the PRC. There were over 40 students who completed the Reading Challenge Early and received stickers, bookmarks and certificates to congratulate them.

On Friday August 27th the Head of The Premier’s Reading Challenge S.A. Mark Williams and Author / Puppeteer Sue Harris visited the Junior School Book Week Assembly. Mark and Sue encouraged our students to keep reading towards the challenge and congratulated those who had already finished. Sue is an amazing puppeteer and author. She spoke about the importance of reading and wove her puppeteer skills into her speech whilst giving a history of her puppets and showing us how they work. The students were entranced by the puppets and two of our staff were lucky enough to join Sue on stage as puppeteer assistants.


PRC data entry was completed on September 17th and I am pleased to report the following data for R-5: All Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 successfully completed the Reading Challenge. 71 Year 4 students and 67 Year 5 students have successfully completed the Reading Challenge. PRC Awards will arrive at the College in November and be presented to our students to celebrate and reward their reading efforts in 2021. We are very proud of our students for their reading commitment and achievements.

Mrs Ruth Sumner | Junior School Teacher/Librarian



Middle School

This year 8A, 8B and 8D participated in the Indonesian section of the Premier’s Reading Challenge 2021, supported by the province of West Java.

The students read a book called “Itam dan U” by Yovita Siswati in Indonesian. “Itam dan U” is about the experiences of a young boy during the 2004 tsunami. This book can be found at which provides free online books to students from countries around the world in their own language. Look out for stories in a language you know! Students were then assessed on their book review submissions and were presented with their awards at a ceremony in Week 9.

Sue Roberts | Teacher Indonesian and Mathematics