
Year 9 Maths Excursion.jpg

A-Maze Maths excursion - Year 9 Girls


A group of  our Year 9 girls attended the A-Maze Maths excursion at UniSA Mawson Lakes.

‘A-Maze Maths is a component of the UniSA STEM Girls agenda, encouraging girls to continue the study of science and mathematics throughout their schooling and into university. The program is designed to empower girls to pursue careers in mathematics.’

Students learnt about current research problems that UniSA students are working on then engaged in three different workshops. Workshop activities included finding the best route through a network, performing division using "exploding dots" and using origami to create hexaflexagons. Over 100 students from across the state participated in the event, with many creating new friendships.

"The Amaze math excursion was fun and an enjoyable learning experience for all. I loved every bit of it from the activities and to making new friends and on top of that, we got a delicious pizza lunch. Overall, it was a great day!" - Celina

"The Amaze maths program was a fantastic and enjoyable experience, it was very interesting, and there were many hands-on activities to do throughout day. The excursion was a good learning experience, and I would definitely go again if I had the chance" - Ella.

To learn more about the program click here:

Sarah Makestas | Teacher