
STEM footy promo - Crows WM (17 of 20).jpg

Adelaide Football Club STEMfooty Promotional Video


Earlier this term, a group of our Year 9 students participated in a promotional video for the new STEMfooty program created by the Adelaide Football Club. These students were among the first to complete the pilot course in 2019 as Year 7s. This year, the program is being offered to schools across South Australia after it was unfortunately cancelled in 2020.


The 10-week collaborative partnership between schools, classroom teachers and the Adelaide Football Club, is designed to give students an appreciation, understanding, and passion for the science and mathematics underlying the sport. The program is linked with Maths, Science and PE/Health subject areas, with learning units in statistics, nutrition, trajectory and distance. 


It is run by former St Columba College staff member, Katie Gloede (Bell). Katie worked overseas and for the University of South Australia, before being appointed to the role of STEMfooty Program Manager at the Adelaide Football Club.


St Columba Middle School teacher, Mr Adriaan Vollebregt, was interviewed along with some of the students. They spoke about benefits of the program and the impact it had on studying STEM. St Columba College was one of the first schools to take part in the trial and our current Year 7s will get to experience it for themselves later this year.




Well done to all involved. For more information on the program and to watch the video, visit our Facebook page or follow the link to the Adelaide Crows website: