

Principal's Update


Welcome to the 2021 academic year! 

This week we welcomed 94 new Reception students to the College and we are excited about what lies ahead for each of them as they progress through their formal years of schooling.

In the past 12 months, we have discovered that the world and how we live our daily lives has changed significantly. I could not have imagined that this time last year, we would be using a QR code to enter a café, shop, church or gym. This calls us to continue to reflect and plan for an education that is going to develop and equip our students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to live and work in an ever-changing world. 

The direction of the College this year focuses on the following Five Goals: 
1. Live Faith in Action
2. Empower Compassionate Global Citizens
3. Deliver High Quality Teaching
4. Enhance Partnerships 
5. Be an Enterprising College. 

We believe it is equally important to develop the whole person; to help our children and young people find meaning in their lives, to understand their place in the world, develop mindsets that they can achieve, and that they feel equipped with self-confidence and resilience. 

Underpinning our work in 2021 is to continue to develop a school culture where all students are included, feel safe, are engaged with their learning and have a strong connection to school. We will do this by promoting the value of respect in how we speak and act with each other. The example of Jesus when he lived on Earth provides the opportunity for our students to reflect on His life and what this means for them personally. We want our school to reflect Jesus’ example where each person experiences and displays love, hope, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Our goal to ‘Live Faith in Action’ provides opportunities for our students this year to not only be thinking of others but undertaking acts of service. As such, a framework has been developed across R-12 for students to respond to the needs in our community both locally and globally. This stems from our Christian calling for justice in the world. We believe our God is a God of justice, as is written throughout scripture in both the First and Second Testaments. 

As Christians, we have a responsibility to work towards the ending of any injustices and the restoration of right relationship between God, humanity and creation. This is a call to action, to live our lives in a way that is not detrimental to the world but actually enhances the life of others and creation. 

This calls us to work to engender in our students a desire to discern need, respond effectively and reflect on their action. We will seek to nurture in our students empathy and concern for issues of injustice and exercise agency with increasing wisdom and integrity.

Finally, with the new school year we are pleased to present you with a fresh College website. Here you will find current news and updates, as well as a showcase of student achievements.  

We therefore look forward to 2021 with much enthusiasm. We hope and pray all our students experience a happy and successful year.

Ms Leanne Carr | Principal