
Year 6 Royals-4.jpg

Year 6 Compassionate Acts


This year the Year 6 students began learning about refugees and migrants; what it means to be a refugee or asylum seeker and the urgency in finding a new country that is safe. The Year 6's then felt like they had a sense of agency and responsibility to try to make a difference.

Ms Gordana Crowe, a volunteer with the St Vincent de Paul Society at the Migrant & Refugee Centre came to visit Miss Royal’s Year 6 students to explain where their donations would be going. Gordana shared with the students about the amazing work of Vinnies House of Welcome. This centre provides refugees and asylum seekers with emergency relief that maintains their dignity and encourages self-reliance in their new country and will assist these families for the first 2 years of arrival. The House of Welcome also helps with food, clothing, utility bills, applications for Visas, legal information, financial counselling, preparing CV's, applying for jobs, housing information, form filling and so much more. Gordana explained the Vinnies House of Welcome really relies on donations from the public to help fund their work and help distribute donations of blankets, clothing, toiletries, and food to it’s visitors.

The students were very eager to present Gordana with their donations of clothing (adult and children), blankets and food. The Broughton Kinship classes also made hygiene and food parcels as part of their acts of service to go to the Vinnies House of Welcome. Gordana was incredibly grateful for the compassion of the Miss Royals Year 6 students and of the other Kinship classes for their kind and generous donations.

Miss Melissa Royals | Year 6 and Senior School Teacher