
Striving for Excellence - 2024 SACE Results
As Term 4, and indeed 2024, draws to a close, it is the right time reflect on a number of things that we have achieved and witnessed this year.
Principal's Update
‘Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil … And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him - a threefold cord is not quickly broken.’ Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Principal's Update
‘For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue,
and virtue with knowledge.’ 2 Peter 1:5
Kevin Hua - UN Youth National Conference
Pictured: Kevin Hua and Matala Kyemo (Year 12) with the Governor of Adelaide, Her Excellency The Honourable Frances Adamson AC, at the 2024 UN Youth South Australia State Conference
Year 12 student and College Captain, Kevin Hua, has been selected to participate in the 2024 UN Youth National Conference, in Brisbane these July school holidays.
The UN Youth National Conference is an intensive and immersive experience focusing on youth advocacy and civil education. It brings together young leaders from across Australia to engage in discussions, workshops, and simulations centred on global issues.

New Middle School Building Completed
We are excited to share with you the time-lapse transformation of our Middle School campus. The $21M redevelopment has been completed, with the new contemporary building ready for students to commence learning when they return in 2024.

Mr Daniel Ganama appointed as Deputy Principal
St Columba College is delighted to announce that Mr Daniel Ganama has been appointed to the position of Deputy Principal (R-12). Daniel will take up the role in January 2024.

St Columba College Appoints New Principal
Earlier this year, Ms Leanne Carr announced that she will conclude her time as Principal at the end of the 2023 school year. I thank Leanne for her dedication, care and commitment over the past eight years as Principal and the significant contribution she has made to the St Columba College community over this time.
On behalf of the St Columba College Council I am delighted to advise you that Mr Darren Pitt has been appointed as Principal of St Columba College and will take up the role from the start of 2024.
Mr Bruno Vieceli | Chairperson, St Columba College Council

F1 in Schools Team ‘Boost’ their way to National Finals
St Columba College’s F1 In Schools teams conquer the 2023 SA State Finals yet again!
With the exhilarating and highly competitive F1 In Schools SA State Finals 2023 now behind us, it's time to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our students.

St Columba College's Acknowledgement of Country
St Columba College is proud to launch our Acknowledgement of Country video. It includes a special Welcome to Country from Senior Kaurna Man, Uncle Mickey Kumatpi O'Brien.

Year 8 Medieval Fair
In Week 3, our Year 8 students embarked on an immersive journey into the captivating world of medieval history and invention.