Junior School
Reception to Year 5
From the first day at St Columba, students are welcomed into a caring, supportive and exciting learning environment. Ensuring that students are confident and competent in Reading, Writing and Mathematics provides a foundation for ongoing successful learning across all school years.
Junior School Curriculum
As an R-12 College, we are privileged to witness the transformation of students as they begin their educational journey as early learners, culminating in their Year 12 graduation and achievement of the SACE. While graduation is a long way from a student's first day at school, there is no doubt that successful learning in the Primary Years prepares a child's pathway to success.
Teachers in our Junior School appreciate the important role they play in providing outstanding teaching and learning. Across every year level individual student learning is tracked and monitored. Every child's learning progression is known and understood by teachers who have the responsibility of supporting that student to be a highly successful learner. Primary classes have sequential, individualised, and well organised learning programs, providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary for educational success.
There is a clear focus on the teaching of Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Mathematics, as well as students engaging in all elements of the Australian Curriculum, including specialist teaching in Science, Music and Indonesian. Students participate in our Religious Education Curriculum, which includes an academic program as well as a rich liturgical and prayer life. Our Christian values underpin the manner in which we operate. We respect every student as a unique God-given gift, and encourage students to value one another in the same way.
In addition to well-equipped classrooms, all with digital smart boards, our Junior School provides students with a specialised Resource Centre, a Science Laboratory, a Music Room, Performing Arts Centre and beautiful recreational spaces. It is a secure site, ensuring that the safety of students is paramount.

Nature Play Learning
Our play areas are carefully crafted to connect children with nature while also helping them learn valuable skills through play. We have custom-built equipment that encourages children to take on challenges, build confidence, and work together with their classmates to problem-solve.
The newly built Covered Sports Court and nature play spaces allow children to explore their outdoor environment, and develop their imagination and physical coordination skills through enhanced play-based learning opportunities.
Our goal is simple. Working in partnership with parents, we seek to ensure that every student experiences outstanding teaching and learning in every class, every year. We are extremely proud of the achievements of our students and the dedication of teachers which enables students to excel.
With our R-12 environment we are able to offer our students a seamless transition to Middle School based on a deep knowledge of their individual learning.