Welcome to CONNECT


A single platform to connect, communicate, and collaborate with parents, teachers, students, and your broader school community.  

CONNECT is a platform to support the development of the whole student, including their academic growth, Student Life involvement, and wellbeing.

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Apple App Store

What is CONNECT?

CONNECT is an all-in-one learning management system (LMS), community portal, and engagement platform that can be accessed via the app or web browser:

CONNECT allows you to:

  • Access an overview of learning for each subject in accordance with the Australian Curriculum
  • View student Timetables
  • Track homework tasks given by teachers
  • Monitor learning progress as teachers mark students' assessments
  • Access reports
  • Communicate with teachers and College staff
  • View unresolved absences and lateness information
  • See what's happening in daily news and the College calendar
  • View College policies, procedures and important information

How do I log in to CONNECT?

Your access to CONNECT begins upon receipt of your unique username from the College, either via email or in your welcome pack. Users will receive their access password via a separate SMS.
If you do not receive an email from the College, please check your Junk folders before contacting the CONNECT Help Desk.


What if I require further assistance?

For CONNECT support, email the College's CONNECT Help Desk -