Year 7 Art

Length: 1 Semester

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

What will I learn:

In Art you will explore:

  • Metamorphosis - create realistic animal drawings and then morph together
  • Clay – create a pinch pot and clay creature
  • Pattern and printmaking using lino
  • Art analysis on Torres Strait Islander artist Billy Missi

What attributes do I need?

Interests in being creative, showing imagination, experimenting with media, having the ability to problem solve in a hands-on way with personal reflection. This is your journey as an artist.

What Learner Qualifiers suit Art:

  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking skills
  • Shows perseverance to improve
  • Clarifies ideas and effectively uses feedback to improve the quality of work
  • Shows independence

How will I be assessed:

Making Art (70%)

  • Metamorphosis – realistic tonal Animal drawings
  • Metamorphosis – final clay creature
  • Pattern & Printmaking – lino print

Responding to Art (30%)

  • Art analysis on Torres Strait islander artist Billy Missi’s artwork