Stage 1 Visual Art A

Length: 1 Semester

Compulsory or Elective: Elective

Credits: 10 Credits

Recommended Prior Achievement: 

  • Successful completion of a Year 10 Visual Art or Year 10 Visual Art – Design subject to a C grade or higher

What will I learn:

You will learn how to work like an artist by creating a Folio. The Folio leads to a final Practical. You will also complete a Visual Study.

  • A Folio is an arts journal where students have choice in theme, media, subject matter and direction. Students use their practical skills to brainstorm, experiment, explore, investigate ideas, problems solve and analyse works of art while creating their own artworks. A Folio is essential a back up folder which leads to a Practical.
  • Practical is another word for a final artwork. Practicals could be film, animation, installation, assemblage, digital imaging, painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, photography, fabrication, sculpture, ceramics, and/or textiles. A Practitioners statement accompanies the Practical.
  • Visual Study is an investigation into the art movement Surrealism. This involves research, analysis, artist links (historical and contemporary) and practical exploration. Students present their investigation findings and personal opinions on what they are learning.

What attributes do I need:

You need to be someone who likes to create artworks, experiment, has imagination and creativity, the ability to problem solve in a hands on way with a skill set in analysis and personal reflection. This is your journey as an artist.

What Learner Qualifiers suit Visual Art:

  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking skills
  • Shows perseverance to improve
  • Clarifies ideas and effectively uses feedback to improve the quality of work
  • Shows independence

How will I be assessed:

Stage 1 Art A.png