Year 8 Drama

Length: 1 Semester

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Pre-Requisites: Nil

What will I learn:

In Drama you will explore:

  • Mime – planning and devising final performance
  • Storytelling - exploring the elements of drama through storytelling from different cultural perspectives including Aboriginal Creation Stories, Indonesian Folktales & African Folklore
  • Heroes and Villains - melodrama performance

What attributes do I need?

Interests in being creative, showing imagination, taking direction, working collaboratively with team, using expressive skills to perform with strong listening and negotiation skills.

What Learner Qualifiers suit Drama:

  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking skills
  • Shows perseverance to improve
  • Clarifies ideas and effectively uses feedback to improve the quality of work
  • Works collaboratively with peers

How will I be assessed:

Making Drama (70%)

  • Mime-silent film performance
  • Heroes and Villains performance

Responding to Drama (30%)

  • Storytelling analysis
  • Storytelling storyboard