Creative Arts - Music and Filmmaking A

Length: 1 Semester

Compulsory or Elective: Elective

Pre-Requisites: Nil

What will I learn:

In Creative Arts, you will explore:

  • Product
    • Process documentation
    • Creation of a Music Video
  • Music Folio
    • Responding to Music Videos
    • Research on different genres of music
    • Studio recording of live music
    • Reflection
  • Directors Folio
    • Skills and Techniques for filming (cinematography)
    • Responding to Music Videos
    • Research on different genres of music
    • Reflection

What attributes do I need:

You need to be someone who can work collaboratively with peers in small production company with the goal of recording a song using the studio software and musical instruments and then filming/editing a music video demonstrating imagination, creativity and teamwork.

What Learner Qualifiers suit Music:

  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking skills
  • Shows perseverance to improve
  • Clarifies ideas and effectively uses feedback to improve the quality of work
  • Works collaboratively with peers
  • Shows independence

How will I be assessed:

Year 9 Creative Arts A.png