Year 8 Science

Year 8 Science

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Pre-Requisites: Nil

What will I learn:

In Science you will explore:

  • The skills and techniques needed to investigate questions scientifically
  • The differences between physical and chemical changes in a material
  • The relationship between the structure and function of cells
  • Transfers and transformations of energy through systems
  • The functions and organisation of organs and human body systems
  • The role of energy in the formation and transformation of rocks.
  • The complexity of matter through the differences between elements and compounds

What attributes do I need:

You are able to learn new terms and facts and then able to apply this knowledge to answer questions. You can safely work in the Science Labs to perform experiments and collect data. You can work independently or in a group to complete a task or project, including research based, or practical investigations. 

What Learner Qualifiers Suit Science:

  • Works collaboratively with peers
  • Applies knowledge with skills confidently
  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking skills
  • Shows perseverance to improve

How will I be assessed:

  • Tests
  • Practical Investigations
  • Research Assignments