Year 6 Science

Year 6 Science

Students in Year 6 Science will begin by exploring Working Scientifically, which includes understanding the scientific method and conducting experiments. They will then study Essential Energy, The Universe, Marvellous Microorganisms, and Change Detectives, focusing on energy, space, microorganisms, and chemical reactions. Assessment tasks include creating a storybook on microorganisms, conducting tests and investigations, and completing projects on circuits and space.


Subject Type: Compulsory

Length: Full Year

Contact Person:

Further Reading:


Topic Overview

  • Working Scientifically
  • Essential Energy
  • The Universe
  • Marvellous Microorganisms
  • Change Detectives


Assessment Overview

Skills and Application Task (60%)

  • A Common Microorganism Storybook
  • Making a Switch
  • Aboriginal Skies
  • Earth and Space

Investigations Folio (40%)

  • Mould Growth Investigation
  • Exploding Bags Investigation
  • Circuits Investigation