Stage 1 Biology
Stage 1 Biology (S1)
Students in Stage One Biology (Semester 1) will initially study Cells and Microorganisms with a specific focus on types and parts of cells, how cells survive and division of cells. Students will then study Multicellular Organisms with a specific focus on specialised cells, the human body and how plants exchange gasses. Lastly, student will complete an end of semester examination.
Subject Type: Elective
Length: One Semester
SACE Credits: 10 credits
Prerequisites: B from one Semester of Year 10 Science
Contact Person:
Further Reading:
Topic Overview
- Cells and Microorganisms
- Multicellular Organisms
Assessment Overview
Skills and Application Task (60%)
- Cells and Microorganisms Test
- Multicellular Test
Investigations Folio (40%)
- Cells and Microorganisms SHE Task
- Multicellular Organisms Investigation
Examination (0%)
- End of Semester Examination
Stage 1 Biology (S2)
Students in Stage 1 Biology (Semester 2) will initially study Infectious Diseases, focusing on types, transmission, and management of diseases. They will then explore Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics with a specific focus on the variety of life and interactions within ecosystems. The semester culminates in an end-of-semester examination.
Subject Type: Elective
Length: One Semester
SACE Credits: 10 credits
Prerequisites: B from one Semester of Year 10 Science
Contact Person:
Further Reading:
Topic Overview
- Infectious Diseases
- Biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics
Assessment Overview
Skills and Application Task (60%)
- Infectious Diseases Test
- Biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics Test
Investigations Folio (40%)
- Infectious Diseases Investigation
- Biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics SHE Task (Student Choice of Topic)
Examination (0%)
- End of Semester Examination