Exploring Identities and Futures

Year 10 Exploring Identities and Futures

Length: 1 Semester

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Credits: 10 Credits

Exploring Identities and Futures provides students with an opportunity to explore and deepen their sense of belonging, identity, world connection and future possibilities.

What will I learn:

In Exploring Identities and Futures you will explore:

  • sense of self and identity
  • explore external influences
  • plan and organise
  • implement plans and apply strategies
  • reflect and respond
  • curate evidence, document and share learning.

What attributes do I need:

A willingness to engage in critical reflection when considering self-identity, external influences and examining your world.  High collaboration in order to consider what I might want to do, what kind of person I might want to become and the connections/strategies I will need for this to become a reality. Demonstrate an ability to manage projects purposefully and reflectively, whilst developing an ability to curate and provide evidence of learning.

What Learner Qualifiers Suit Exploring Identities and Futures:

  • Show independence
  • Clarify ideas and effectively uses feedback to improve the quality of work
  • Demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills

How will I be assessed:

50%  AT1

Exploring your past, present and future

Individual folio of work

50%  AT2

Putting your Capabilities into Action

Individual or collaborative project