Community Studies

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Elective

Credits: 20 Credits

Recommended Prior Achievement: 

  • Successful completion of a Stage 1 English to a C grade or higher 

What will I learn:

In Community Studies you will:

  • Develop your own individual program, connected to a theme of Arts, Communication, Foods, Health & Recreation, Science & Technology or Work.
  • Undertake 120 hours of learning opportunities within and outside the classroom, connecting with a community mentor.
  • Set yourself challenging and achievable goals.
  • Undertake reflective practices of capability and skill development.

What attributes do I need:

Organisational and time management skills. Confidence to engage with others in the community as mentors and learning facilitators. An ability to work on independent, self-directed work that you have a passion for. Great if you commit many hours to a sport, dance, theatre, cadets, volunteering, community youth program, an apprenticeship or a Religious organisation.   

What Learner Qualifiers suit Community Studies A:

  • Shows independence
  • Respects and cooperates with others – including those in the wider community

How will I be assessed:


Contract of work  

Planned Contract  

Folio of evidence



External: Reflections
