Year 9 Religious Education

Year 9 Religious Education (The Rite Journey)

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Pre-Requisites: Nil

What I will learn?

  • How to develop strong relationships with peers and adults
  • More about my own talents, beliefs and abilities
  • How to nurture self esteem
  • To become more resilient when faced with a challenge
  • To consider the ‘childish’ behaviours and attitudes I am ready to let go of and to begin considering the adult that I will become and the contribution that I might make to the world.

What attributes do I need?

  • To be ready to explore the intrinsic worth of who I am now and where I am now and what I want for the future

What learner qualifiers suit Religious Education?

  • Shows perseverance to improve
  • Respects and cooperates with others.

How will I be assessed?
No formal assessment. There will be a number of personal challenges to be met throughout the year.