Year 8 Religious Education

Year 8 Religious Education

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Pre-Requisites: Nil

What I will learn?

  • Why Jesus was seen as a rebel and crucified
  • How and why we can reconcile with one another
  • Why the dignity of another human being is important
  • Who is Saint Columba?

What attributes do I need?

To be ready to promote a particular view of the person, the community, the nation and the world, centred on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ.

What Learner Qualifiers suit Religious Education?

  • Applies knowledge with skills confidently
  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking skills.

How will I be assessed?

  • Practical Activity (30%)
    Demonstrating in a multi-modal form the steps to reconciliation
    Creating an illustrated version of one of the poems of St Columba
  • Research (35%)
    Creating a poster that shows where reconciliation is needed
    St Columba booklet with a variety of tasks
    Making a word cloud of reconciliation words.
  • Reflection (35%)
    Designing and writing a postcard explaining the character strengths of Jesus
    Taking a photo of every day objects to represent on of the stories of Jesus
    Writing an ‘I Am’ poem.