Year 7 Religious Education

Year 7 Religious Education

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Pre-Requisites: Nil 

What I will learn?

  • How the beauty of creation reveals different aspects of God
  • What life was like during Jesus’ time
  • How stereotyping can be destructive to a positive view of myself and others
  • The way other religions celebrate special days
  • How I can make a difference in the world.

 ​What attributes do I need?

To acknowledge, promote and celebrate the particular gifts I have been given by God and to become knowledgeable about the Christian and other major religious faiths.

What learner qualifiers suit Religious Education?

  • Works collaboratively with peers
  • Respects and cooperates with others.

How will I be assessed?

  • Practical Activity (30%)
    Developing a plan for acts of service
    Creating a diorama depicting life in Bible Times using STEM techniques.
  • Research (35%) 
    Writing a letter explaining the Feast of Diwali
    Explaining aspects of Vesak Day
    Researching a certain aspect of life in Bible Times.
  • Reflection (35%)
    Creating an identity presentation
    Reflecting on where God is seen in nature
    Creating a presentation that explains the things you are grateful for.