Year 7 Religious Education

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Pre-Requisites: Nil 

What I will learn:

  • What the Character Strength of love means.
  • What is prayer?
  • The story of the resurrection.
  • The Catholic/Anglican view on the treatment of animals
  • How I am Made in the Image of God (MITIOG)
  • Why the 10 commandments are important in our moral development.

What attributes do I need?

To be open to explore your social and personal development in relation to your enduring values in an ever-changing world.

What Learner Qualifiers suit Religious Education

  • Actively participates in learning
  • Demonstrates critical and creative thinking skills

How will I be assessed:

Practical Activity (30%)

Dramatising the 10 Commandments for today’s society.

Designing Social Action for the good of others.

Research (35%)

Relating scripture to my own life.

Researching different ways to pray.

Reflection 35%

Exploring different ways to use the word ‘love’.

Reflection on the Gospel values and how they relate to my everyday living.