Year 11 Religious Education

Year 11 Religious Education

Religious Education Stage 1

Length: 1 Semester                                              

SACE Credits: 10 Credits

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

What will I learn:

  • How religious charity organisations help the poor and needy in our society.
  • How to collaborate in a group to plan a fundraising activity.
  • Understanding the spirituality of our First Nation People.
  • Exploring the beliefs of others.

What attributes do I need?

You need to be someone who wants to promote the common good and make a difference in the world by social justice action.

Have an enquiring mind about the religious diversity we have in Australia.

What Learner Qualifiers suit Religious Education

  • works effectively in groups.
  • shows independence
  • research skills

Assessment Breakdown


Community, Justice and Diversity – In collaboration with others design a fundraising activity to support a religious charity.


To explore what we can learn from our First Nation People.


Research a particular aspect of a religious group and what meaning does it have in their lives.