Year 8 Mathematics

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Pre-Requisites: Nil

What will I learn?

In Year 8 Mathematics, you will study the following topics:

  • Chance
  • Statistics
  • Number
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Expansion and Factorisation
  • Measurement
  • Linear Relationships
  • Linear Equations

What attributes do I need?

Successful students in Mathematics develop their understanding both in and outside the classroom by being independent learners. They have sound problem-solving skills and can transfer these skills to a variety of contexts. Students can discuss and analyse mathematical concepts and results through written and verbal communication.

What Learner Qualifiers Suit Year 8 Mathematics?

  • Actively participates in learning
  • Shows perseverance to improve
  • Applies knowledge with skills confidentially
  • Clarifies ideas and effectively uses feedback to improve the quality of work

How will I be assessed?

Skills and Application Task (100%)

  • Chance Test
  • Statistics Test
  • Index Laws Task
  • Terminating Recurring Decimals Task
  • Expansion and Factorisation Test
  • Measurement Task
  • Linear Relationships Test