Year 11 Indonesian

Certificate III in Applied Languages (Indonesian) + Integrated Learning

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Elective

Credits: 20 Credits (SACE Stage 2)

Pre-Requisites: Successful completion of Certificate II in Applied Languages (Indonesian)

What will I learn:

The Certificate III in Applied Languages (Indonesian) is a nationally recognised VET qualification. The course is designed to provide individuals with language skills and intercultural knowledge to enable them to communicate in social and workplace situations in Indonesian. The Certificate III in Applied Languages consists of 4 topics in which students are assessed on their competency:

  • Conduct routine oral communication for social purposes
  • Conduct routine workplace oral communication
  • Read and write routine documents for social purposes
  • Read and write routine workplace documents

Assessments are competency based, with multiple opportunities given to show competency.

As part of their Integrated Learning studies students will undertake a Personal Endeavour on a topic of choice related to Indonesia. This is an enquiry-based investigation.

What attributes do I need:

You need to be someone who likes to read, has a passion for language learning and developing intercultural skills. You need to be patient, brave, creative and self-driven.

What Learner Qualifiers suit Indonesian:

  • shows perseverance to improve
  • clarifies ideas and effectively uses feedback to improve the quality of work

How will I be assessed:

Certificate III in Applied Languages (Indonesian)

Intergrated Learning

Conduct routine oral communication for social purposes

Assessment 1: Planning an Outing

Assessment 2: A Social Invitation


Conduct routine workplace oral communication

Assessment 3: A New Job

Assessment 4: Everyday Workplace Matters


Read and write routine documents for social purposes

Assessment 5: Emails About Work Experience

Assessment 6: A Personal Blog


Read and write routine workplace documents

Assessment 7: Workplace Advice to New Colleagues

Assessment 8: TBA

Assessment 9: City Tours

Assessment Type 1: Practical Inquiry (40%)

Assessment 1: Planning an Outing

Assessment 2: A Social Invitation

Assessment 9: City Tours

+ Filming of Tour


Assessment Type 2: Connections (30%)

Assessment 3: A New Job

Assessment 4: Everyday Workplace Matters

+ Peer and Self Reflection over 4 weeks from recorded conversations


Assessment Type 3: Personal Endeavour (30%)

2000 word enquiry-based investigation


12 minute multi-modal presentation