Year 8 English
In Year 8, students discuss, express and elaborate on ideas with supporting evidence. They explain how ideas are represented and how texts reflect, or challenge contexts, and they explain the effects of language features, including intertextual references and literary devices, and visual features.
Subject Type: Compulsory
Length: Full Year
Contact Person: English Learning Area Leader: Stephen Summers -
Further Reading: Australian Curriculum - Year 8 English
Topic Overview
- Genre study of short narratives of the dystopian, gothic horror and thriller genres
- Poetry study
- Independent Reading
- Novel study
- Media Study: Social Justice print visual advertising
- Interdisciplinary Unit (With digital technology): Book trailer on independently chosen novel.
- Film Study
- Drama Study
Assessment Overview
Creating Texts
- Free choice Genre Narrative
- Digital Book trailer
- A print visual A 4 advertisement for a social Justice issue
Responding to Texts
- Poetry Podcast, focusing on one of the shared poems
- Essay in response to characterisation in the shared novel study
- Reading activities portfolio on Independently chosen novel
- Transformation and/or performance of part of the shared Drama text
- Three paragraph analysis on how ideas are presented through film language in the shared film study