Year 6 English

Length: 2 Semesters

Compulsory or Elective: Compulsory

Pre-Requisites: Nil

What will I learn?

In Year 6 English, you will be encouraged to inquire about the world we live in, through a study of different stories, poetry, and media. You will create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts. You will continue to focus on strategies for effective spelling and grammar. You will also be encouraged to make links between learning in English and other curriculum areas.

 What attributes do I need?

  • Demonstrate an interest in the world around you.
  • Take risks with your learning and share your ideas in a positive way.
  • Express your ideas in a spoken and written manner.

What Learner Qualifiers suit English?

  • Participation in class and small group discussions.
  • Organisation and commitment to meeting deadlines.
  • Question, inquire and respond to feedback

How will I be assessed:

Responding to Texts – 50 %

Comprehension, Close Reading Activities, Novel Responses

Creating Texts – 50%

Poetry, Historical Account, Persuasive