Stage 2 Business Innovation - Business Model and Plan

Students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and understandings to engage in designing, sustaining, and transforming business in the modern world. They engage with complex, dynamic real-world problems, to identify and design, test, iterate, and communicate viable business solutions. Business Innovation foregrounds design thinking and assumption-based business planning tools to promote an iterative, human-centred approach to innovation and the transformation of business products, services, and processes. Students “learn through doing” in Business Innovation, using group work, design thinking and assumption-based planning processes to anticipate, find, and solve problems. 


Subject Type:  Elective

Length: Full Year Course

SACE Credits: 20 Credits – Stage 2

Prerequisites: Open Course

Contact Person:

Further Reading: Subject description | Subject outline | Stage 2 - Business Innovation - South Australian Certificate of Education (

Study Bachelor of Business (Management) at the University of South Australia (UniSA). Information for Australian students.


Topic Overview

  • Explore and solve customer needs with a focus on customer preferences.
  • Use decision-making and project management tools in business.
  • Create and apply business intelligence to develop and evaluate business models.
  • Analyse opportunities and challenges from digital and emerging technologies.
  • Evaluate social, economic, environmental, and ethical impacts on business.
  • Apply communication and collaboration skills effectively in business.


Assessment Overview

Assessment Type 1: Business Skills (40%)

  • Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) – Designing a Business
  • Business Model Canvas Iteration Report – Transforming Business
  • PESTLE Analysis Task

Assessment Type 2: Business Model (30%)

  • Business Model Development Portfolio
  • Business Model Evaluation

Assessment Type 3: Business Plan and Pitch (30%)

  • Designing Business Plan
  • Business Pitch