St Columba College values the support given by its volunteers. There are many areas of College life supported by our volunteer group including the Library, Excursion Support and assisting in the Canteen.

While seeking to encourage people to volunteer their services, the College Leadership, as representatives of the College Council, also recognises its responsibilities to ensure that all volunteers are properly trained and made aware of the Work, Health and Safety (WHS) issues relating to the tasks they may perform. In meeting these responsibilities, the College has an obligation to ensure all persons who wish to work with students in a voluntary capacity are deemed as having the appropriate character to do so, as the safety and welfare of students is always paramount.
If you would like to become a Volunteer, the College requires you to participate in the following:
- An Online Training Course - Responding to Harm, Abuse and Neglect
- Undergo a Working with Children Check (through the Department of Human Services)
- A WHS Induction
If you would like to register your expression of interest to volunteer, simply fill out the details below and the College will contact you regarding your Volunteer Application.